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jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

The Meatrix

Here is the first November listening activity of this month. After having watched "The Meatrix" in class you are now ready to do the following activities. By the way, if you want to watch again the short clip, you just have to go to the English4PET website (Video corner).


A- What do I know about my health and the way I eat?

1. Student’s fitness and healthy habits questionnaire.

Answer the questionnaire below. Calculate your score and compare your answers with a partner (when you are in class, of course).

1. How often do you eat fruit?

a. Once or twice a day

b. Once every three days

c. Once a week

d. Never

2. How much sport do you do every week?

a. More than 5 hours

b. One or two hours a week

c. Less than one hour

3. How often do you have vegetables a week?

a. Once a day

b. Two or three times a week

c. Once a week

d. I never have vegetables

4. How often do you spend more than 30 minutes practising an activity that makes you sweaty?

a. Three or more times a week

b. Once or twice a week

c. Never

5. How long does it take you to walk a kilometre?

a. Les than 10 minutes

b. 10 – 20 minutes

c. I can’t walk that far

6. How many of the following activities do you do at least twice a week?

a. Play a ball game: football, basketball …etc

b. Go for a run

c. Do some aerobics

d. Go to the gym

7. Are cereals part of your diet?

a. Yes, always

b. Yes, sometimes

c. No never

8. How many km. do you think you walk everyday?

a. More than three

b. Not more than two

c. Not more than one

9. Say if these statements are true or false.

a. I drink soft drinks at least once a day

b. I only drink soft drinks once a week

c. I normally drink water at a meal


1. a. 5 b. 3 c. 1 d. 0

2. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

3. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

4. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

5. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

6. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

7. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

8. a. 5 b. 3 c. 0

20 or less: Your health and your life are in danger ! You must do more exercise and change your eating habits NOW.

20 – 24: Not bad, but could be better.

25 – 34: You are healthier than the average person and you probably find your life more enjoyable as a result.

35 or more: You are super-fit and you have very healthy eating habits? (Or are you a liar!)

B - After having watched the film, do you think these statements are true or false?

1. Animal products come from independent family farms

2. Factory Farms pollute as much as any other factory

3. Factory Farms are where most eggs, milk and meat come from.

4. Family Farming is not sustainable on its own.

5. Animals in Factory Farms never see the sunlight or get fresh air.

6. Animals in Factory Farms are healthy and have better quality meat.

7. Factory farms mutilate their animals to avoid fights among them.

8. There is an overuse of antibiotics in Family Farms

9. The main interest of Factory Farms is to maximize profits.

Remember that you have to send me your answers replying to all these questions in this blog, ok? In order to do so you will need to have a "gmail" account. Good luck and I am really looking forward to reading your answers. Have a nice weekend!!!! :)

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